Our uniform was developed in collaboration with students to ensure it is both sensory-friendly and smart. Uniform, P.E. kit and other accessories such as TLS-branded bags and umbrellas can be purchased from reception.
Students with sensory sensitivities may choose to wear P.E. kit instead of the full uniform on most days.
White shirt (KS2 and Year 7 polo shirt)
TLS green jumper
Black trousers or skirt
Black socks or tights
Black footwear
Green or black jacket
School Uniform
Sports Kit
TLS t-shirt
TLS hoodie
TLS shorts, skorts or tracksuit bottoms
TLS rugby socks or white/black sports socks
Black leggings/base layers (must be worn underneath shorts/skorts)
Please note students cannot 'mix and match' uniforms, and must be in either full school uniform or full P.E. kit.
Uniform Order Form 2023
Uniform Expectations
A hair tie/band/scrunchie needs to be readily available for lessons such as P.E., science, art etc, or at the teacher's discretion depending on the activity.
Shirts should be tucked in.
If leggings or under-layers are worn for P.E., skorts or shorts must be worn over the top.
Teachers will use professional judgement and emotional intelligence to decide if it is appropriate to wear outdoor jackets in the classroom (during COVID Controls with windows open for ventilation). TLS-branded coats can be purchased from reception.
For Year 9 and above, modest make up may be worn. If the school deems it to be inappropriate students will be expected to remove it when asked.
Jewellery for religious or medical reasons may be worn, but it will need to either be covered or removed where it poses a potential health and safety risk.
Any jewellery should be worn inside the uniform and not arranged to hang outside on shirts/blouses/jumpers.
Culturally relevant jewellery will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
A single small stud earring may be worn in each ear.
All other facial piercings are not permitted.
Students may colour their hair with a natural hair colour at the discretion of the Head Teacher.
Students' hair should be professional looking. Extreme styles are generally not permitted and will be at the discretion of the Head Teacher.
No false nails are permitted.
This is not an exhaustive list, but a representation of discussions had and agreed with the student body December 2020.
Students are responsible for their own property and The Levels School will not be held liable for any lost, damaged or stolen personal items.