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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development at TLS

SMSC is at the heart of everything that we do at The Levels School. We believe that all our students are entitled to a holistic education and a curriculum that provides a comprehensive SMSC experience. We recognise that the development of students, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part not only in their ability to learn and achieve, but also in their ability to access the world that they live in. This can be especially important for neuro-diverse students who may need explicit guidance to help them to make sense of the world and be able to move through life with acceptance and tolerance. At The Levels School, we aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and wider British values, whilst recognising that those of others may differ.


Whilst subject areas such as citizenship, personal, social and health education (PSHE) and religious education (RE, delivered through Ethics & Philosophy lessons), have more explicit roles in delivery, all subjects contribute to SMSC by planning for and providing positive opportunities for students to:

  • Use their imagination and creativity, and develop curiosity in their learning.

  • Develop and apply an understanding of right and wrong in their school life and life outside school.

  • Take part in a range of activities which require social skills.

  • Gain a well-informed understanding of the options and challenges facing them as they move through their school career and into future employment.

  • Respond positively to a range of artistic, sporting and cultural experiences.

  • Develop skills and attitudes to enable them to participate fully in a democratic, modern Britain.

  • Understand and appreciate the range of different cultures within society.


These opportunities are also provided within our pastoral provision, particularly through tutor time, house meetings and activities, assemblies, curriculum days and our extra-curricular programs.

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Pastoral Care at The Levels School places the child at the centre of everything we do. 

Meditation by the Sea

Spiritual Development

Students’ spiritual development is shown by their:

  • Ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in, and respect for, different people’s feelings and values.

  • Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others, and the world around them, including the intangible.

  • Use of imagination and creativity in their learning.

  • Willingness to reflect on their experiences.


Specific areas to be considered include: sense of self, unique potential, understanding strengths and weaknesses, the desire to achieve, curiosity about self, your place in the world and life’s fundamental questions.

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